J R. Cordy
Affiliations: | Queen's University, Canada, Kingston, Ontario, Canada |
Computer Science, MathematicsGoogle:
"J Cordy"Children
Sign in to add traineeMedha S. Sarkar | grad student | 2000 | Queen's University, Canada |
Dean Jin | grad student | 2004 | Queen's University, Canada |
Richard Zanibbi | grad student | 2005 | Queen's University, Canada |
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Kahani N, Bagherzadeh M, Cordy JR, et al. (2019) Survey and classification of model transformation tools Software and Systems Modeling. 18: 2361-2397 |
Bagherzadeh M, Kahani N, Bezemer C, et al. (2018) Analyzing a decade of Linux system calls Empirical Software Engineering. 23: 1519-1551 |
Alalfi MH, Antony EP, Cordy JR. (2018) An approach to clone detection in sequence diagrams and its application to security analysis Software and Systems Modeling. 17: 1287-1309 |
Amrani M, Combemale B, Lúcio L, et al. (2015) Formal verification techniques for model transformations: A tridimensional classification Journal of Object Technology. 14 |
Stevenson A, Cordy JR. (2015) Parse views with Boolean grammars Science of Computer Programming. 97: 59-63 |
Zeni N, Kiyavitskaya N, Mich L, et al. (2015) GaiusT: supporting the extraction of rights and obligations for regulatory compliance Requirements Engineering. 20: 1-22 |
Selim GMK, Cordy JR, Dingel J, et al. (2015) Finding and fixing bugs in model transformations with formal verification: An experience report Ceur Workshop Proceedings. 1500: 26-35 |
Trezise M, Gobbi D, Cordy J, et al. (2014) SimITK: Model driven engineering for medical imaging Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of Spie. 9036 |
Stevenson A, Cordy JR. (2014) A survey of grammatical inference in software engineering Science of Computer Programming. 96: 444-459 |
Cordy JR, Roy CK. (2014) Tuning research tools for scalability and performance: The NiCad experience Science of Computer Programming. 79: 158-171 |