Eric Jespers

Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada 
"Eric Jespers"
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Cedó F, Jespers E, Okniński J. (2021) Every finite abelian group is a subgroup of the additive group of a finite simple left brace Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 225: 106476
Jespers E, Kubat Ł, Antwerpen AV. (2020) Corrigendum and addendum to “The structure monoid and algebra of a non-degenerate set-theoretic solution of the Yang–Baxter equation” Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 373: 4517-4521
Cedó F, Jespers E, Okniński J. (2020) Set-theoretic solutions of the Yang–Baxter equation, associated quadratic algebras and the minimality condition Revista Matematica Complutense. 1-31
Colazzo I, Jespers E, Kubat L. (2020) Set-theoretic solutions of the Pentagon Equation Communications in Mathematical Physics. 1-22
Jespers E, Kubat Ł, Antwerpen AV. (2019) The structure monoid and algebra of a non-degenerate set-theoretic solution of the Yang–Baxter equation Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 372: 7191-7223
Jespers E, Kubat Ł, Antwerpen AV, et al. (2019) Factorizations of skew braces Mathematische Annalen. 375: 1649-1663
Gordienko A, Janssens G, Jespers E. (2017) Semigroup graded algebras and graded PI-exponent Israel Journal of Mathematics. 220: 387-452
Cedo F, Jespers E, Okniński J. (2016) Nilpotent groups of class three and braces Publicacions Matematiques. 60: 55-79
Cedó F, Jespers E, Klein G. (2016) Group algebras and semigroup algebras defined by permutation relations of fixed length Journal of Algebra and Its Applications. 15
Cedó F, Jespers E, Klein G. (2016) Finitely presented algebras defined by permutation relations of dihedral type International Journal of Algebra and Computation. 26: 171-202
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