Adam Lutoborski

Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, United States 
"Adam Lutoborski"
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Bojanczyk AW, Lutoborski A. (2003) The Procrustes problem for orthogonal Kronecker products Siam Journal On Scientific Computing. 25: 148-163
Lutoborski A, Temlyakov VN. (2003) Vector greedy algorithms Journal of Complexity. 19: 458-473
Bojanczyk AW, Lutoborski A. (1999) The procrustes problem for orthogonal stiefel matrices Siam Journal On Scientific Computing. 21: 1291-1304
Lutoborski A. (1992) On the convergence of method the euler-jacobi method Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization. 13: 185-202
Bojanczyk AW, Lutoborski A. (1991) Computation of the Euler angles of a symmetric 3X3 matrix Siam Journal On Matrix Analysis and Applications. 12: 41-48
Banerjee U, Lutoborski A. (1986) Approximation of the solution of a fourth order boundary value problem with nonsmooth coefficient Numerische Mathematik. 50: 125-145
Lutoborski A. (1985) Homogenization of linear elastic shells Journal of Elasticity. 15: 69-87
Lutoborski A, Telega JJ. (1984) Homogenization of a plane elastic arch Journal of Elasticity. 14: 65-77
Destuynder P, Lutoborski A. (1982) A penalty duality method for the budiansky-sanders shell model Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 35: 127-151
Kleiber M, Lutoborski A. (1978) Modified triangular factors in the incremental finite element analysis with nonsymmetric stiffness changes Computers and Structures. 9: 599-602
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