Trina M. Chytka, Ph.D.

2003 Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, United States 
Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering
"Trina Chytka"


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Resit Unal grad student 2003 Old Dominion University
 (Development of an aggregation methodology for risk analysis in aerospace conceptual vehicle design.)
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Bondi SB, Unal R, Hester PT, et al. (2013) Complementarities of probabilistic and evidence approaches: An uncertainty assessment for selection of composite material Wseas Transactions On Applied and Theoretical Mechanics. 8: 181-192
Chytka TM, Conway BA, Unal R. (2006) An expert judgment approach for addressing uncertainty in high technology system design Portland International Conference On Management of Engineering and Technology. 1: 444-449
Unal R, Keating CB, Chytka TM, et al. (2005) Calibration of expert judgments applied to uncertainty assessment Emj - Engineering Management Journal. 17: 34-43
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