Christopher K. Wikle

University of Missouri - Columbia, Columbia, MO, United States 
"Christopher Wikle"
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Berliner LM, Herbei R, Wikle CK, et al. (2023) Excursions in the Bayesian treatment of model error. Plos One. 18: e0286624
Wikle CK, Datta A, Hari BV, et al. (2022) An illustration of model agnostic explainability methods applied to environmental data. Environmetrics. 34
Laubmeier AN, Cazelles B, Cuddington K, et al. (2020) Ecological Dynamics: Integrating Empirical, Statistical, and Analytical Methods. Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Hooten M, Wikle C, Schwob M. (2020) Statistical Implementations of Agent-Based Demographic Models. International Statistical Review. 88: 441-461
Zammit-Mangion A, Wikle CK. (2020) Deep integro-difference equation models for spatio-temporal forecasting Spatial Statistics. 37: 100408
Schafer TLJ, Wikle CK, VonBank JA, et al. (2020) A Bayesian Markov Model with Pólya-Gamma Sampling for Estimating Individual Behavior Transition Probabilities from Accelerometer Classifications Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics. 25: 365-382
McDermott PL, Wikle CK. (2019) Bayesian Recurrent Neural Network Models for Forecasting and Quantifying Uncertainty in Spatial-Temporal Data. Entropy (Basel, Switzerland). 21
Bradley JR, Wikle CK, Holan SH. (2019) Hierarchical Models for Spatial Data with Errors that are Correlated with the Latent Process Statistica Sinica
McDermott P, Wikle C. (2019) Bayesian Recurrent Neural Network Models for Forecasting and Quantifying Uncertainty in Spatial-Temporal Data Entropy. 21: 184
Wikle CK, Ver Hoef JM. (2019) A Conversation with Noel Cressie Statistical Science. 34: 349-359
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