Angelo B. Mingarelli

Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada 
"Angelo Mingarelli"
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Dehghan M, Mingarelli A. (2020) Fractional Sturm–Liouville eigenvalue problems, I Revista De La Real Academia De Ciencias Exactas Fisicas Y Naturales Serie a-Matematicas. 114: 1-15
Kikonko M, Mingarelli AB. (2016) Estimates on the Lower Bound of the Eigenvalue of the Smallest Modulus Associated with a General Weighted Sturm-Liouville Problem International Journal of Differential Equations. 2016: 1-5
Kikonko M, Mingarelli AB. (2016) Bounds on real and imaginary parts of non-real eigenvalues of a non-definite Sturm–Liouville problem Journal of Differential Equations. 261: 6221-6232
Kikonko M, Mingarelli AB. (2013) On non-definite Sturm-Liouville problems with two turning points Applied Mathematics and Computation. 219: 9508-9515
Mingarelli AB, Pacheco-Castelao JM, Melkonian S. (2010) A complete asymptotic analysis of an oscillation free nonlinear equation of bessel type with a pole in the dependent variable Nonlinear Oscillations. 13: 228-259
Hu Z, Mingarelli AB. (2008) Bochner's theorem and Stepanov almost periodic functions Annali Di Matematica Pura Ed Applicata. 187: 719-736
Sun YG, Mingarelli AB. (2007) Oscillation of higher-order forced nonlinear differential equations Applied Mathematics and Computation. 190: 905-911
Akbarfam AJ, Mingarelli AB. (2005) Duality for an indefinite inverse Sturm-Liouville problem Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 312: 435-463
Dubé SG, Mingarelli AB. (2005) A non-oscillation theorem for differential matrix systems Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 306: 349-363
Kheiri H, Jodayree Akbarfam A, Mingarelli AB. (2005) The uniqueness of the solution of dual equations of an inverse indefinite Sturm-Liouville problem Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 306: 269-281
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