Veronique Hussin

Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada 
"Veronique Hussin"
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Zelaya K, Hussin V. (2020) Time-dependent rational extensions of the parametric oscillator: quantum invariants and the factorization method Journal of Physics A. 53: 165301
Fernández JCD, Hussin V, Morales-Salgado VS. (2019) Coherent states for the supersymmetric partners of the truncated oscillator European Physical Journal Plus. 134: 18
Hoffmann SE, Hussin V, Marquette I, et al. (2019) Ladder operators and coherent states for multi-step supersymmetric rational extensions of the truncated oscillator Journal of Mathematical Physics. 60: 52105
Delisle-Doray L, Hussin V, Kuru Ş, et al. (2019) Classical ladder functions for Rosen–Morse and curved Kepler–Coulomb systems Annals of Physics. 405: 69-82
Hoffmann SE, Hussin V, Marquette I, et al. (2018) Coherent states for ladder operators of general order related to exceptional orthogonal polynomials Journal of Physics A. 51: 315203
Hussin V, Lafrance M, Yurduşen I, et al. (2018) Holomorphic solutions of the susy Grassmannian σ-model and gauge invariance Journal of Physics A. 51: 185401
Hoffmann SE, Hussin V, Marquette I, et al. (2018) Non-classical behaviour of coherent states for systems constructed using exceptional orthogonal polynomials Journal of Physics A. 51: 85202
Zelaya K, Dey S, Hussin V. (2018) Generalized squeezed states Physics Letters A. 382: 3369-3375
Dey S, Hussin V. (2016) Noncommutative q -photon-added coherent states Physical Review A. 93: 53824
Delisle L, Hussin V, Zakrzewski WJ. (2016) General solutions of the supersymmetric ℂP2 sigma model and its generalisation to ℂPN−1 Journal of Mathematical Physics. 57: 23506
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