Mark S. Gockenbach

Michigan Technological University, USA 
"Mark Gockenbach"
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Crane DK, Gockenbach MS, Roberts MJ. (2020) Approximating the singular value expansion of a compact operator Siam Journal On Numerical Analysis. 58: 1295-1318
Gockenbach MS, Roberts MJ. (2018) Approximating the Generalized Singular Value Expansion Siam Journal On Numerical Analysis. 56: 2776-2795
Al-Jamal MF, Alomari AK, Gockenbach MS. (2018) Smoothing via elliptic operators with application to edge detection Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering. 26: 657-676
Gockenbach MS. (2016) Generalizing the GSVD Siam Journal On Numerical Analysis. 54: 2517-2540
Crossen E, Gockenbach MS, Jadamba B, et al. (2014) An equation error approach for the elasticity imaging inverse problem for predicting tumor location Computers & Mathematics With Applications. 67: 122-135
Gockenbach M, Liu C. (2013) Local convergence of Newton’s method in the classical calculus of variations Optimization. 64: 957-980
Al-Jamal MF, Gockenbach MS. (2012) Stability and error estimates for an equation error method for elliptic equations Inverse Problems. 28: 95006
Gockenbach M, Schmidtke K. (2009) Newton’s law of heating and the heat equation Involve, a Journal of Mathematics. 2: 419-437
Gockenbach MS, Khan AA. (2009) An abstract framework for elliptic inverse problems: Part 2. An augmented Lagrangian approach Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids. 14: 517-539
Gockenbach MS, Jadamba B, Khan AA. (2008) Equation error approach for elliptic inverse problems with an application to the identification of Lamé parameters Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering. 16: 349-367
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