Steven Tschantz

Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 
"Steven Tschantz"
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Froeb LM, Pittman RW, Taragin CS, et al. (2018) Economics at the Antitrust Division: 2017–2018 Review of Industrial Organization. 53: 637-651
Kalnins A, Froeb L, Tschantz S. (2017) Can mergers increase output? Evidence from the lodging industry The Rand Journal of Economics. 48: 178-202
Tenn S, Froeb L, Tschantz S. (2010) Mergers when Firms Compete by Choosing both Price and Promotion International Journal of Industrial Organization. 28: 695-707
Gandhi AK, Froeb LM, Tschantz S, et al. (2008) Post-Merger Product Repositioning Journal of Industrial Economics. 56: 49-67
Froeb LM, Tschantz S, Werden GJ. (2006) Vertical Restraints and the Effects of Upstream Horizontal Mergers Contributions to Economic Analysis. 282: 369-381
Werden GJ, Froeb LM, Tschantz S. (2005) The Effects of Merger Efficiencies on Consumers of Differentiated Products European Competition Journal. 1: 245-264
Froeb LM, Tschantz S, Werden GJ. (2005) Pass-Through Rates and the Price Effects of Mergers International Journal of Industrial Organization. 23: 703-715
Froeb L, Tschantz S, Crooke P. (2003) Bertrand competition with capacity constraints: mergers among parking lots Journal of Econometrics. 113: 49-67
Tschantz S, Crooke P, Froeb L. (2000) Mergers in Sealed versus Oral Auctions International Journal of the Economics of Business. 7: 201-212
Crooke P, Froeb L, Tschantz S, et al. (1999) Effects of Assumed Demand Form on Simulated Postmerger Equilibria Review of Industrial Organization. 15: 205-217
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