Gennadi Kasparov
Affiliations: | Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN |
"Gennadi Kasparov"
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Kasparov G, Yu G. (2012) The Novikov conjecture and geometry of Banach spaces Geometry & Topology. 16: 1859-1880 |
Kasparov G, Yu G. (2006) The coarse geometric Novikov conjecture and uniform convexity Advances in Mathematics. 206: 1-56 |
Kasparov G, Skandalis G. (2003) Groups acting properly on “bolic” spaces and the Novikov conjecture Annals of Mathematics. 158: 165-206 |
Higson N, Kasparov G. (2001) E-theory and KK-theory for groups which act properly and isometrically on Hilbert space Inventiones Mathematicae. 144: 23-74 |
Higson N, Kasparov G, Trout J. (1998) A Bott Periodicity Theorem for Infinite Dimensional Euclidean Space Advances in Mathematics. 135: 1-40 |
Higson N, Kasparov G. (1997) Operator -theory for groups which act properly and isometrically on Hilbert space Electronic Research Announcements of the American Mathematical Society. 3: 131-142 |