Darko R. Koracin

Atmospheric Sciences University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV, United States 
Atmospheric Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Statistics
"Darko Koracin"
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Radilović S, Koračin D, Denamiel C, et al. (2020) Simulated and observed air temperature trends in the eastern Adriatic Atmospheric Science Letters. 21
A RT, Kvakić M, Klaić ZB, et al. (2019) Exploring atmospheric stagnation during a severe particulate matter air pollution episode over complex terrain in Santiago, Chile. Environmental Pollution. 244: 705-714
Wang Q, Zhang S, Wang Q, et al. (2018) A Fog Event off the Coast of the Hangzhou Bay during Meiyu Period in June 2013 Aerosol and Air Quality Research. 18: 91-102
Mejia JF, Koračin D, Wilcox EM. (2018) Effect of coupled global climate models sea surface temperature biases on simulated climate of the western United States International Journal of Climatology. 38: 5386-5404
Semmler T, Stulic L, Jung T, et al. (2016) Seasonal Atmospheric Responses to Reduced Arctic Sea Ice in an Ensemble of Coupled Model Simulations Journal of Climate. 29: 5893-5913
Hatchett BJ, Koračin D, Mejía JF, et al. (2016) Assimilating urban heat island effects into climate projections Journal of Arid Environments. 128: 59-64
Smith CM, Koračin D, Horvath K. (2014) Day-Ahead Predictability of Complex Terrain Flows for Wind Resource Production: A Case Study of the Washoe Zephyr Weather and Forecasting. 29: 1343-1355
Koračin D, Dorman CE, Lewis JM, et al. (2014) Marine fog: A review Atmospheric Research. 143: 142-175
Žabkar R, Koračin D, Rakovec J. (2013) A WRF/Chem sensitivity study using ensemble modelling for a high ozone episode in Slovenia and the Northern Adriatic area Atmospheric Environment. 77: 990-1004
Dorman CE, Mejia JF, Koračin D. (2013) Impact of U.S. west coastline inhomogeneity and synoptic forcing on winds, wind stress, and wind stress curl during upwelling season Journal of Geophysical Research. 118: 4036-4051
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