Xuerong M. Wen

Mathematics Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO, United States 
"Xuerong Wen"
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Huo L, Wen XM, Yu Z. (2018) Trace pursuit variable selection for multi-population data Journal of Nonparametric Statistics. 30: 430-447
Zeng B, Wen XM, Zhu L. (2017) A link-free sparse group variable selection method for single-index model Journal of Applied Statistics. 44: 2388-2400
Liu X, Huo L, Wen XM, et al. (2017) A link-free approach for testing common indices for three or more multi-index models Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 153: 236-245
Zeng B, Yu Z, Wen XM. (2015) A note on cumulative mean estimation Statistics & Probability Letters. 96: 322-327
Liu X, Yu Z, Wen XM, et al. (2015) On testing common indices for two multi-index models Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 136: 75-85
Wang T, Wen XM, Zhu L. (2015) Multiple-population shrinkage estimation via sliced inverse regression Statistics and Computing. 1-12
Feng Z, Wen XM, Yu Z, et al. (2013) On Partial Sufficient Dimension Reduction With Applications to Partially Linear Multi-Index Models Journal of the American Statistical Association. 108: 237-246
Adekpedjou A, Quiton J, Wen XM. (2013) Semiparametric inference with correlated recurrence time data Statistical Methodology. 10: 1-13
Yu Z, Zhu L, Wen XM. (2012) On model-free conditional coordinate tests for regressions Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 109: 61-72
Wen XM. (2010) On sufficient dimension reduction for proportional censorship model with covariates Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 54: 1975-1982
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