Iuliana Radu, Ph.D.

2009 Graduate School - New Brunswick Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ, United States 
Mathematics Education, Higher Education, Mathematics
"Iuliana Radu"


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Keith Weber grad student 2009 Rutgers, New Brunswick
 (To infinity and beyond: Toward a local instruction theory for completed infinite iteration.)
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Radu I. (2014) Augmented reality in education: A meta-review and cross-media analysis Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 18: 1533-1543
Radu I. (2012) Why should my students use AR? A comparative review of the educational impacts of augmented-reality Ismar 2012 - 11th Ieee International Symposium On Mixed and Augmented Reality 2012, Science and Technology Papers. 313-314
Rhoads K, Radu I, Weber K. (2011) The teacher internship experiences of prospective high school mathematics teachers International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 9: 999-1022
Radu I, Weber K. (2011) Refinements in mathematics undergraduate students' reasoning on completed infinite iterative processes Educational Studies in Mathematics. 78: 165-180
Weber K, Radu I, Mueller M, et al. (2010) Expanding participation in problem solving in a diverse middle school mathematics classroom Mathematics Education Research Journal. 22: 91-118
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