Max Forester

Department of Mathematics University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, United States 
Mathematics, Applied Mathematics
"Max Forester"
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Fernós T, Forester M, Tao J. (2019) Effective quasimorphisms on right-angled Artin groups Annales De L'Institut Fourier. 69: 1575-1626
Brady N, Forester M. (2017) Snowflake geometry in CAT (0) groups Journal of Topology. 10: 883-920
Carter W, Forester M. (2017) The Dehn functions of Stallings–Bieri groups Mathematische Annalen. 368: 671-683
Clay M, Forester M, Louwsma J. (2016) Stable commutator length in baumslag–solitar groups and quasimorphisms for tree actions Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 368: 4751-4785
Noel B, Forester M. (2010) Density of isoperimetric spectra Geometry and Topology. 14: 435-472
Brady N, Bridson MR, Forester M, et al. (2009) Snowflake groups, Perron-Frobenius eigenvalues and isoperimetric spectra Geometry and Topology. 13: 141-187
Clay M, Forester M. (2009) Whitehead moves for G-trees Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society. 41: 205-212
Clay M, Forester M. (2008) On the isomorphism problem for generalized Baumslag-Solitar groups Algebraic and Geometric Topology. 8: 2289-2322
Forester M. (2006) Splittings of generalized Baumslag-Solitar groups Geometriae Dedicata. 121: 43-59
Forester M, Rourke C. (2005) The adjunction problem over torsion-free groups. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 102: 12670-1
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