Yi Niu, Ph.D.

2013 Mathematics and Statistics Queen's University, Canada, Kingston, Ontario, Canada 
"Yi Niu"


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Yingwei Peng grad student 2013 Queen's University, Canada
 (Marginal models for modeling clustered failure time data.)
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Niu Y, Fan D, Ding J, et al. (2024) Marginal semiparametric accelerated failure time cure model for clustered survival data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 9622802241295335
Liang H, Wang X, Peng Y, et al. (2023) Improving marginal hazard ratio estimation using quadratic inference functions. Lifetime Data Analysis
Jamaspishvili T, Patel PG, Niu Y, et al. (2020) Risk stratification of prostate cancer through quantitative assessment of PTEN loss (qPTEN). Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Niu Y, Wang X, Cao H, et al. (2020) Variable selection via penalized generalized estimating equations for a marginal survival model. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 962280220901728
Jamaspishvili T, Patel P, Niu Y, et al. (2019) MP28-02 QUANTITATIVE MEASUREMENT OF PTEN LOSS IMPROVES RISK ASSESSMENT IN PROSTATE CANCER. The Journal of Urology. 201: e403
Niu Y, Wang X, Peng Y. (2018) geecure: An R-package for marginal proportional hazards mixture cure models. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 161: 115-124
Niu Y, Song L, Liu Y, et al. (2018) Modeling clustered long-term survivors using marginal mixture cure model. Biometrical Journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift
Sun J, Niu Y, Wang C, et al. (2016) Discovery of 3-benzyl-1,3-benzoxazine-2,4-dione analogues as allosteric mitogen-activated kinase kinase (MEK) inhibitors and anti-enterovirus 71 (EV71) agents. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry
Niu Y, Peng Y. (2015) A new estimating equation approach for marginal hazard ratio estimation Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 87: 46-56
Niu Y, Peng Y. (2014) Marginal regression analysis of clustered failure time data with a cure fraction Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 123: 129-142
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