Stephen Gelbart

Mathematics Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel 
Mathematics, Theoretical Mathematics
"Stephen Gelbart"
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Gelbart S, Jacquet H, Rogawski J. (2001) Generic representations for the unitary group in three variables Israel Journal of Mathematics. 126: 173-237
Gelbart S, Shahidi F. (1999) Boundedness of Automorphic L-Functions in Vertical Strips Journal of the American Mathematical Society. 14: 79-107
Friedberg S, Gelbart S, Jacquet H, et al. (1999) Représentations génériques du groupe unitaire à trois variables Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie I-Mathematique. 329: 255-260
Friedberg S, Gelbart S, Jacquet H, et al. (1999) Generic representations for the unitary group in three variables | Représentations génériques du groupe unitaire à trois variables Comptes Rendus De L'Academie Des Sciences - Series I: Mathematics. 329: 255-260
Gelbart S, Rogawski J, Soudry D. (1997) Endoscopy, theta-liftings, and period integrals for the unitary group in three variables Annals of Mathematics. 145: 419-476
Gelbart S, Rogawski J, Soudry D. (1993) On periods of CUSP forms and algebraic cycles for U(3) Israel Journal of Mathematics. 83: 213-252
Gelbart SS, Rogawski JD. (1991) L-functions and Fourier-Jacobi coefficients for the unitary group U(3) Inventiones Mathematicae. 105: 445-472
Gelbart S, Soudry D. (1987) On Whittaker models and the vanishing of Fourier coefficients of cusp forms Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Mathematical Sciences. 97: 67-74
Gelbart S, Piatetski-Shapiro I. (1983) Some remarks on metaplectic cusp forms and the correspondences of Shimura and Waldspurger Israel Journal of Mathematics. 44: 97-126
Gelbart S, Howe R, Piatetski-Shapiro I. (1979) Uniqueness and existence of Whittaker models for the metaplictic group Israel Journal of Mathematics. 34: 21-37
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