Andrej Sorgo
Affiliations: | Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics | Univerza v Mariboru (Slovenia) |
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"Andrej Sorgo"
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Dolenc K, Šorgo A, Ploj Virtič M. (2021) The difference in views of educators and students on Forced Online Distance Education can lead to unintentional side effects. Education and Information Technologies. 1-27 |
Ersozlu Z, Wildy H, Ersozlu A, et al. (2020) Self-esteem, Bullying Perpetration/Victimization and Perceived Parental Support in a Nationally Representative Sample of Australian Students Revista De Cercetare Si Interventie Sociala. 69: 49-68 |
Šorgo A, Špernjak A. (2020) Biology Content And Classroom Experience As Predictors Of Career Aspirations Journal of Baltic Science Education. 19: 317-332 |
Torkar G, Šorgo A. (2020) Evolutionary Content Knowledge, Religiosity and Educational Background of Slovene Preschool and Primary School Pre-Service Teachers Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. 16 |
Debevc M, Weiss J, Šorgo A, et al. (2020) Solfeggio learning and the influence of a mobile application based on visual, auditory and tactile modalities British Journal of Educational Technology. 51: 177-193 |
Špur N, Škornik S, Šorgo A. (2020) Influence of experience, interest, knowledge and learning source on children’s attitudes towards extensive grassland conservation Environmental Conservation. 47: 130-137 |
Dolničar D, Podgornik BB, Bartol T, et al. (2020) Added value of secondary school education toward development of information literacy of adolescents Library & Information Science Research. 42: 101016 |
Šafhalter A, Glodež S, Šorgo A, et al. (2020) Development of spatial thinking abilities in engineering 3D modeling course aimed at lower secondary students International Journal of Technology and Design Education. 1-18 |
Janštová V, Šorgo A. (2019) Evaluation, Validation And Modification Of Science Motivation Questionnaire For Upper Secondary School Journal of Baltic Science Education. 18: 748-767 |
Havlíčková V, Šorgo A, Bílek M. (2018) Can Virtual Dissection Replace Traditional Hands-on Dissection in School Biology Laboratory Work? Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. 14: 1415-1429 |