David A. Pike

Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada 
"David Pike"
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Burgess AC, Cameron RA, Clarke NE, et al. (2020) Cops that surround a robber Discrete Applied Mathematics. 285: 552-566
McCourt TA, Zhou F, Bianchi V, et al. (2019) Chip-Firing on a Graph for Modelling Complex Geological Architecture in CO\(_2\) Injection and Storage Transport in Porous Media. 129: 281-294
Pike DA. (2019) A perfect one‐factorisation of Journal of Combinatorial Designs. 27: 386-390
Dewar M, Pike D, Proos J. (2018) Connectivity in Hypergraphs Canadian Mathematical Bulletin. 61: 252-271
Erzurumluoglu A, Meagher K, Pike DA. (2018) Brushing Number and Zero-Forcing Number of Graphs and Their Line Graphs Graphs and Combinatorics. 34: 1279-1294
Erzurumluoğlu A, Pike DA. (2018) Twofold triple systems with cyclic 2‐intersecting Gray codes Journal of Combinatorial Designs. 26: 154-173
Pike DA, Sanaei A, Shalaby N. (2017) Pseudo-Skolem sequences and graph Skolem labelling Mathematica Scandinavica. 120: 17-38
Fitzpatrick SL, Howell J, Messinger ME, et al. (2016) A deterministic version of the game of zombies and survivors on graphs Discrete Applied Mathematics. 213: 1-12
Erzurumluoğlu A, Pike DA. (2016) Twofold triple systems without 2-intersecting Gray codes Designs, Codes, and Cryptography. 1-21
Luther RD, Pike DA. (2016) Equitably Colored Balanced Incomplete Block Designs Journal of Combinatorial Designs. 24: 299-307
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