Naiji Lu, Ph.D.

2007 University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 
"Naiji Lu"


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Carl E. Mueller grad student 2007 Rochester
 (Models based on pure birth and branching process.)
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He H, Lu N, Stephens B, et al. (2017) Population metrics for suicide events: A causal inference approach. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 962280217729843
Karras E, Lu N, Zuo G, et al. (2016) Measuring Associations of the Department of Veterans Affairs' Suicide Prevention Campaign on the Use of Crisis Support Services. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior
Tang W, Lu N, Chen T, et al. (2015) On performance of parametric and distribution-free models for zero-inflated and over-dispersed count responses. Statistics in Medicine
Zhang H, He H, Lu N, et al. (2015) A non-parametric model to address overdispersed count response in a longitudinal data setting with missingness. Statistical Methods in Medical Research
Xia Y, Lu N, Katz I, et al. (2015) Models for surveillance data under reporting delay: applications to US veteran first-time suicide attempters Journal of Applied Statistics. 42: 1861-1876
Poleshuck EL, Gamble SA, Bellenger K, et al. (2014) Randomized controlled trial of interpersonal psychotherapy versus enhanced treatment as usual for women with co-occurring depression and pelvic pain. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 77: 264-72
Feng C, Wang H, Lu N, et al. (2014) Log-transformation and its implications for data analysis. Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry. 26: 105-9
Wu P, Gunzler D, Lu N, et al. (2014) Causal inference for community-based multi-layered intervention study. Statistics in Medicine. 33: 3905-18
Gunzler DD, Tang W, Lu N, et al. (2014) A class of distribution-free models for longitudinal mediation analysis. Psychometrika. 79: 543-568
Chen R, Chen T, Lu N, et al. (2014) Extending the Mann–Whitney–Wilcoxon rank sum test to longitudinal regression analysis Journal of Applied Statistics. 41: 2658-2675
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