Xavier Bry

Université Paris-Dauphine 
"Xavier Bry"


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Pierre Cazes grad student 2004 Université Paris-Dauphine
 (Une méthodologie exploratoire pour l'analyse et la synthèse d'un modèle explicatif : l'Analyse en Composantes Thématiques)
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Bry X, Trottier C, Mortier F, et al. (2020) Component-based regularization of a multivariate GLM with a thematic partitioning of the explanatory variables: Statistical Modelling. 20: 96-119
Bry X, Simac T, Ghachi SEE, et al. (2020) Bridging data exploration and modeling in event-history analysis: the supervised-component Cox regression Mathematical Population Studies. 27: 139-174
Bougeard S, Niang N, Verron T, et al. (2018) Current multiblock methods: competition or complementarity? A comparative study in a unified framework Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 182: 131-148
Barbieri A, Tami M, Bry X, et al. (2017) EM algorithm estimation of a structural equation model for the longitudinal study of the quality of life. Statistics in Medicine
Bry X, Robette N, Roueff O. (2016) A dialogue of the deaf in the statistical theater? Adressing structural effects within a geometric data analysis framework Quality & Quantity. 50: 1009-1020
Robette N, Bry X, Lelièvre E. (2015) A “Global Interdependence” Approach to Multidimensional Sequence Analysis Sociological Methodology. 45: 1-44
Bry X, Verron T. (2015) THEME: THEmatic model exploration through multiple co-structure maximization Journal of Chemometrics. 29: 637-647
Saidane M, Bry X, Lavergne C. (2013) Generalized Linear Factor Models: A New Local EM Estimation Algorithm Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods. 42: 2944-2958
Bry X, Trottier C, Verron T, et al. (2013) Supervised component generalized linear regression using a PLS-extension of the Fisher scoring algorithm Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 119: 47-60
Bry X, Redont P, Verron T, et al. (2012) THEME-SEER: a multidimensional exploratory technique to analyze a structural model using an extended covariance criterion Journal of Chemometrics. 26: 158-169
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