Samy Gallego

Toulouse 3 
"Samy Gallego"


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Pierre Degond grad student 2007 Toulouse 3
 (Modélisation mathématique et simulation numérique de systèmes fluides quantiques)
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Degond P, Gallego S, Mehats F. (2007) On quantum hydrodynamic and quantum energy transport models Communications in Mathematical Sciences. 5: 887-908
Degond P, Gallego S, Méhats F. (2007) Isothermal Quantum Hydrodynamics: Derivation, Asymptotic Analysis, and Simulation Multiscale Modeling & Simulation. 6: 246-272
Degond P, Gallego S, Méhats F. (2007) An entropic quantum drift-diffusion model for electron transport in resonant tunneling diodes Journal of Computational Physics. 221: 226-249
Degond P, Gallego S, Méhats F. (2007) An asymptotic preserving scheme for the Schrödinger equation in the semiclassical limit Comptes Rendus Mathematique. 345: 531-536
Degond P, Gallego S, Méhats F. (2006) Simulation of a resonant tunneling diode using an entropic quantum drift-diffusion model Journal of Computational Electronics. 6: 133-136
Gallego S, Méhats F. (2005) Entropic Discretization of a Quantum Drift-Diffusion Model Siam Journal On Numerical Analysis. 43: 1828-1849
Gallego S, Méhats F. (2004) Numerical approximation of a quantum drift-diffusion model Comptes Rendus Mathematique. 339: 519-524
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