Stefan Possanner

Toulouse 3 
"Stefan Possanner"


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Pierre Degond grad student 2012 Toulouse 3
 (Modeling and simulation of spin-polarized transport at the kinetic and diffusive level)
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Holderied F, Possanner S, Ratnani A, et al. (2020) Structure-preserving vs. standard particle-in-cell methods: The case of an electron hybrid model Journal of Computational Physics. 402: 109108
Fedele B, Negulescu C, Possanner S. (2019) Asymptotic-Preserving Scheme for the Resolution of Evolution Equations with Stiff Transport Terms Multiscale Modeling & Simulation. 17: 307-343
Possanner S. (2018) Gyrokinetics from variational averaging: Existence and error bounds Journal of Mathematical Physics. 59: 82702
Cecco AD, Deluzet F, Negulescu C, et al. (2017) Asymptotic Transition from Kinetic to Adiabatic Electrons along Magnetic Field Lines Multiscale Modeling & Simulation. 15: 309-338
Deluzet F, Ottaviani M, Possanner S. (2017) A Drift-Asymptotic scheme for a fluid description of plasmas in strong magnetic fields Computer Physics Communications. 219: 164-177
Negulescu C, Possanner S. (2016) Closure of the Strongly Magnetized Electron Fluid Equations in the Adiabatic Regime Multiscale Modeling & Simulation. 14: 839-873
Barletti L, Méhats F, Negulescu C, et al. (2015) Numerical study of a quantum-diffusive spin model for two-dimensional electron gases Communications in Mathematical Sciences. 13: 1347-1378
Deluzet F, Negulescu C, Ottaviani M, et al. (2015) Numerical study of the plasma tearing instability on the resistive time scale Journal of Computational Physics. 280: 602-625
Stickler BA, Possanner S. (2013) Derivation of a linear collision operator for the spinorial Wigner equation and its semiclassical limit Physical Review A. 88: 12125
Possanner S, Stickler BA. (2012) Non-Markovian quantum dynamics from environmental relaxation Physical Review A. 85
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