People with institution matching "Uppsala University": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Göran Dillner (Info) Uppsala universitet jandh 2017‑04‑07
Erik Edlund (Info) Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences soderstrom 2011‑04‑15
Petrus Elvius (Info) Uppsala astronomy, mathematics jandh 2011‑07‑26
Karl Jöreskog (Info) Uppsala StevenAMiller 2016‑12‑19
Julian Külshammer (Info) Uppsala Representation Theory juliank 2023‑07‑27
Bengt Muthen (Info) UCLA Statistics, Experimental Psychology, Tests and Measurements Education pq 2016‑05‑17
Dag Sörbom (Info) Uppsala StevenAMiller 2016‑12‑19
Mårten Strömer (Info) Uppsala mathematics and astronomy jandh 2011‑07‑26
Markus Thuresson (Info) Uppsala juliank 2023‑07‑27
Herman Wold (Info) Uppsala StevenAMiller 2016‑12‑19
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