Jessica Martucci, Ph.D.

2011 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
History of Science, United States History, Women's Studies, Social Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
"Jessica Martucci"


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Susan Lindee grad student 2011 Penn
 (Feeding babies, making mothers: The science, practice and meaning of breastfeeding in the second half of the 20th century.)
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Martucci J. (2019) Janet Golden. Babies Made Us Modern: How Infants Brought America into the Twentieth Century. The American Historical Review. 124: 1905-1906
Martucci J. (2018) The Life and Legacy of Niles Polk Rumely Newton: Breastfeeding Researcher, Advocate, and Mother, 1923-1993. Journal of Human Lactation : Official Journal of International Lactation Consultant Association. 890334418776644
Martucci J, Barnhill A. (2018) Examining the use of 'natural' in breastfeeding promotion: ethical and practical concerns. Journal of Medical Ethics
Martucci J, Barnhill A. (2016) Unintended Consequences of Invoking the "Natural" in Breastfeeding Promotion. Pediatrics
Martucci J. (2015) Why breastfeeding?: Natural motherhood in post-war America Journal of Women's History. 27: 110-133
Martucci J. (2012) Maternal expectations: new mothers, nurses, and breastfeeding. Nursing History Review : Official Journal of the American Association For the History of Nursing. 20: 72-102
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