John D. Lindeman, Ph.D.

2008 George Mason University, Washington, DC 
Atmospheric Sciences
"John Lindeman"


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Zafer Boybeyi grad student 2008 George Mason
 (A numerical study of topographical effects on flow regimes in the lower atmosphere.)
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Lindeman JD, Boybeyi Z, Gultepe I. (2011) An examination of the aerosol semi-direct effect for a polluted case of the ISDAC field campaign Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 116
Lindeman J, Broutman D, Eckermann SD, et al. (2010) A coupled mesoscale-model Fourier-method for idealized mountain-wave simulations over Hawaii Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics. 108: 71-81
Lindeman J, Broutman D, Eckermann SD, et al. (2008) Mesoscale model initialization of the fourier method for mountain waves Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 65: 2749-2756
Ahmad N, Lindeman J. (2008) A Godunov-type Finite Volume Scheme for Meso- and Micro-scale Flows in Three Dimensions Pure and Applied Geophysics. 165: 1929-1939
Ahmad N, Lindeman J. (2007) Euler solutions using flux-based wave decomposition International Journal For Numerical Methods in Fluids. 54: 47-72
Broutman D, Ma J, Eckermann SD, et al. (2006) Fourier-Ray Modeling of Transient Trapped Lee Waves Monthly Weather Review. 134: 2849-2856
Eckermann SD, Broutman D, Ma J, et al. (2006) Fourier-Ray Modeling of Short-Wavelength Trapped Lee Waves Observed in Infrared Satellite Imagery near Jan Mayen Monthly Weather Review. 134: 2830-2848
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