David C. Leon, Ph.D.

2006 University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, United States 
Atmospheric Science Physics
"David Leon"


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Gabor Vali grad student 2006 University of Wyoming
 (Observations of drizzle cells in marine stratocumulus.)
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Jackson R, French JR, Leon DC, et al. (2018) Observations of the microphysical evolution of convective clouds in southwest United Kingdom Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 1-27
Jackson R, French JR, Leon DC, et al. (2018) Observations of the microphysical evolution of convective clouds in the southwest of the United Kingdom Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 18: 15329-15344
Lasher-Trapp S, Kumar S, Moser DH, et al. (2018) On Different Microphysical Pathways to Convective Rainfall Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 57: 2399-2417
Plummer DM, French JR, Leon DC, et al. (2018) Radar-Derived Structural and Precipitation Characteristics of ZDR Columns within Warm-Season Convection over the United Kingdom Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 57: 2485-2505
Rahn DA, Parish TR, Leon DC. (2017) Synthesis of Observations from the Precision Atmospheric Marine Boundary Layer Experiment (PreAMBLE) Monthly Weather Review. 145: 2325-2342
Snider JR, Leon D, Wang Z. (2017) Droplet Concentration and Spectral Broadening in Southeast Pacific Stratocumulus Clouds Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 74: 719-749
Juliano TW, Parish TR, Rahn DA, et al. (2017) An Atmospheric Hydraulic Jump in the Santa Barbara Channel Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 56: 2981-2998
Parish TR, Rahn DA, Leon D. (2016) Full access research aircraft determination of D-value cross sections Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 33: 391-396
Rahn DA, Parish TR, Leon D. (2016) Observations of large wind shear above the marine boundary layer Near Point Buchon, California Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 73: 3059-3077
Lasher-Trapp S, Leon DC, DeMott PJ, et al. (2016) A multisensor investigation of rime splintering in tropical maritime cumuli Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 73: 2547-2564
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