Heather A. Knutson

Planetary Science California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 
Planetology, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Atmospheric Sciences
"Heather Knutson"


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David Brian Charbonneau grad student 2009 Caltech (Physics Tree)
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Fu G, Welbanks L, Deming D, et al. (2024) Hydrogen sulfide and metal-enriched atmosphere for a Jupiter-mass exoplanet. Nature
Hu R, Bello-Arufe A, Zhang M, et al. (2024) A secondary atmosphere on the rocky Exoplanet 55 Cancri e. Nature
Coulombe LP, Benneke B, Challener R, et al. (2023) A broadband thermal emission spectrum of the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-18b. Nature
Ahrer EM, Stevenson KB, Mansfield M, et al. (2023) Early Release Science of the exoplanet WASP-39b with JWST NIRCam. Nature
Feinstein AD, Radica M, Welbanks L, et al. (2023) Early Release Science of the exoplanet WASP-39b with JWST NIRISS. Nature
Alderson L, Wakeford HR, Alam MK, et al. (2023) Early Release Science of the Exoplanet WASP-39b with JWST NIRSpec G395H. Nature
Lothringer JD, Benneke B, Crossfield IJM, et al. (2018) AnHST/STIS Optical Transmission Spectrum of Warm Neptune GJ 436b The Astronomical Journal. 155: 66
Bean JL, Stevenson KB, Batalha NM, et al. (2018) The Transiting Exoplanet Community Early Release Science Program for JWST Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 130: 114402
Evans TM, Sing DK, Kataria T, et al. (2017) An ultrahot gas-giant exoplanet with a stratosphere. Nature. 548: 58-61
Wakeford HR, Sing DK, Kataria T, et al. (2017) HAT-P-26b: A Neptune-mass exoplanet with a well-constrained heavy element abundance. Science (New York, N.Y.). 356: 628-631
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