Carole Bedos

1996 Toulouse 3 
"Carole Bedos"
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Décuq C, Bourdat-Deschamps M, Benoit P, et al. (2022) A multiresidue analytical method on air and rainwater for assessing pesticide atmospheric contamination in untreated areas. The Science of the Total Environment. 823: 153582
Couvidat F, Bedos C, Gagnaire N, et al. (2022) Simulating the impact of volatilization on atmospheric concentrations of pesticides with the 3D chemistry-transport model CHIMERE: Method development and application to S-metolachlor and folpet. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 424: 127497
Hulin M, Leroux C, Mathieu A, et al. (2021) Monitoring of pesticides in ambient air: Prioritization of substances. The Science of the Total Environment. 753: 141722
Ramanantenasoa MMJ, Génermont S, Gilliot JM, et al. (2019) Meta-modeling methods for estimating ammonia volatilization from nitrogen fertilizer and manure applications. Journal of Environmental Management. 236: 195-205
Lichiheb N, Personne E, Bedos C, et al. (2016) Implementation of the effects of physicochemical properties on the foliar penetration of pesticides and its potential for estimating pesticide volatilization from plants. The Science of the Total Environment. 550: 1022-1031
Bedos C, Loubet B, Barriuso E. (2013) Gaseous deposition contributes to the contamination of surface waters by pesticides close to treated fields. A process-based model study. Environmental Science & Technology. 47: 14250-7
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