Peter A. Jumars
Affiliations: | University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA |
Oceanography Biology, Microbiology BiologyGoogle:
"Peter Jumars"Children
Sign in to add traineeKelly Dorgan | grad student | (Neurotree) | |
Kevin Du Clos | grad student | (Marine Ecology Tree) |
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Du Clos KT, Jones IT, Carrier TJ, et al. (2017) Model-assisted measurements of suspension-feeding flow velocities. The Journal of Experimental Biology |
Jumars PA, Dorgan KM, Lindsay SM. (2015) Diet of worms emended: an update of polychaete feeding guilds. Annual Review of Marine Science. 7: 497-520 |
Lasley-Rasher RS, Brady DC, Smith BE, et al. (2015) It takes guts to locate elusive crustacean prey Marine Ecology Progress Series. 538: 1-12 |
Du Clos KT, Lindsay SM, Jumars PA. (2013) Spatial distribution of Alitta virens and Clymenella torquata with respect to rigid boundaries in mud and sand Journal of Marine Research. 71: 211-226 |
Young AM, Karp-Boss L, Jumars PA, et al. (2012) Quantifying diatom aspirations: Mechanical properties of chain-forming species Limnology and Oceanography. 57: 1789-1801 |
Musielak MM, Karp-Boss L, Jumars PA, et al. (2009) Nutrient transport and acquisition by diatom chains in a moving fluid Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 638: 401-421 |
Sato M, Jumars PA. (2008) Seasonal and vertical variations in emergence behaviors of Neomysis americana Limnology and Oceanography. 53: 1665-1677 |
Voparil IM, Mayer LM, Jumars PA. (2008) Emulsions versus micelles in the digestion of lipids by benthic invertebrates Limnology and Oceanography. 53: 387-394 |
Weissberger EJ, Jumars PA, Mayer LM, et al. (2008) Structure of a northwest Atlantic Shelf macrofaunal assemblage with respect to seasonal variation in sediment nutritional quality Journal of Sea Research. 60: 164-175 |
Dorgan KM, Arwade SR, Jumars PA. (2007) Burrowing in marine muds by crack propagation: kinematics and forces. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 210: 4198-212 |