Dittmar Hahn

New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, United States 
Environmental Sciences, Environmental Engineering, Microbiology Biology
"Dittmar Hahn"
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Marshall TL, Baca CR, Correa DT, et al. (2019) Genetic characterization of chytrids isolated from larval amphibians collected in central and east Texas Fungal Ecology. 39: 55-62
Vemulapally S, Guerra T, Hahn D. (2019) Localization of typical and atypical Frankia isolates from Casuarina sp. in nodules formed on Casuarina equisetifolia Plant and Soil. 435: 385-393
Gates AY, Guerra TM, Morrison FB, et al. (2018) Detection of Salmonella in the intestine of Hypostomus plecostomus from the upper San Marcos River, Texas. Journal of Water and Health. 16: 460-471
Ben Tekaya S, Guerra T, Rodriguez D, et al. (2017) Frankia diversity in host-plant root nodules is independent of abundance or relative diversity of Frankia in corresponding rhizosphere soils. Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Ben Tekaya S, Ganesan AS, Guerra T, et al. (2016) SybrGreen and Taqman-based qPCR approaches allow assessment of the abundance and relative distribution of Frankia clusters in soils. Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Rodriguez D, Guerra TM, Forstner MR, et al. (2016) Diversity of Frankia in soil assessed by Illumina sequencing of nifH gene fragments. Systematic and Applied Microbiology
Samant SS, Dawson JO, Hahn D. (2015) Growth responses of indigenous Frankia populations to edaphic factors in actinorhizal rhizospheres. Systematic and Applied Microbiology. 38: 501-5
Samant S, Huo T, Dawson JO, et al. (2015) Abundance and Relative Distribution of Frankia Host Infection Groups Under Actinorhizal Alnus glutinosa and Non-actinorhizal Betula nigra Trees. Microbial Ecology
Samant S, Dawson JO, Hahn D. (2015) Growth responses of introduced Frankia strains to edaphic factors Plant and Soil
Samant S, Amann RI, Hahn D. (2014) Evaluation of the 23S rRNA gene as target for qPCR based quantification of Frankia in soils. Systematic and Applied Microbiology. 37: 229-34
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