Michelle Dziejman

University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 
Microbiology Biology
"Michelle Dziejman"
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Sofia MK, Dziejman M. (2021) DksA coordinates bile-mediated regulation of virulence-associated phenotypes in type three secretion system-positive . Microbiology (Reading, England). 167
Miller KA, Tomberlin KF, Dziejman M. (2019) Vibrio variations on a type three theme. Current Opinion in Microbiology. 47: 66-73
Miller KA, Chaand M, Gregoire S, et al. (2016) Characterization of V. cholerae T3SS-dependent cytotoxicity in cultured intestinal epithelial cells. Cellular Microbiology
Miller KA, Sofia MK, Weaver JW, et al. (2016) Regulation by ToxR-like proteins converges on vttRB expression to control T3SS-dependent Caco2-BBE cytotoxicity in V. cholerae. Journal of Bacteriology
Seward CH, Manzella A, Alam A, et al. (2015) Using S. cerevisiae as a Model System to Investigate V. cholerae VopX-Host Cell Protein Interactions and Phenotypes. Toxins. 7: 4099-110
Chaand M, Miller KA, Sofia MK, et al. (2015) Type 3 Secretion System Island Encoded Proteins Required for Colonization by Non-O1/non-O139 Serogroup V. cholerae. Infection and Immunity
Chaand M, Dziejman M. (2013) Vibrio cholerae VttRA and VttRB Regulatory Influences Extend beyond the Type 3 Secretion System Genomic Island Journal of Bacteriology. 195: 2424-2436
Miller KA, Hamilton E, Dziejman M. (2012) The Vibrio cholerae trh gene is coordinately regulated in vitro with type III secretion system genes by VttR(A)/VttR(B) but does not contribute to Caco2-BBE cell cytotoxicity. Infection and Immunity. 80: 4444-55
Valentino MD, Abdul-Alim CS, Maben ZJ, et al. (2011) A broadly applicable approach to T cell epitope identification: application to improving tumor associated epitopes and identifying epitopes in complex pathogens. Journal of Immunological Methods. 373: 111-26
Alam A, Miller KA, Chaand M, et al. (2011) Identification of Vibrio cholerae type III secretion system effector proteins. Infection and Immunity. 79: 1728-40
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