Ralph J. Callicott, Ph.D.

2008 Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, United States 
Genetics, Virology Biology
"Ralph Callicott"


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James E. Womack grad student 2008 Texas A & M
 (Characterization and mapping of the gene conferring resistance to Rift Valley Fever Virus hepatic disease in WF.LEW rats.)
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Busch CM, Callicott RJ, Peters CJ, et al. (2015) Mapping a Major Gene for Resistance to Rift Valley Fever Virus in Laboratory Rats. The Journal of Heredity. 106: 728-33
Callicott RJ, Ballard ST, Womack JE. (2007) Genomic comparison of Lewis and Wistar-Furth rat substrains by use of microsatellite markers. Journal of the American Association For Laboratory Animal Science : Jaalas. 46: 25-9
Callicott RJ, Womack JE. (2006) Real-time PCR assay for measurement of mouse telomeres. Comparative Medicine. 56: 17-22
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