Stergios S. Bibis, Ph.D.

2014 St. John's University (New York) 
Parasitology Biology, Biochemistry, Microbiology Biology
"Stergios Bibis"


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Rachel Zufferey grad student 2014 St. John's University (New York)
 (Characterization of Leishmania major phosphatidylethanolamine methyltransferases LmPEM1 and LmPEM2 and their inhibition by choline analogs.)
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Bibis SS, Dahlstrom K, Zhu T, et al. (2014) Characterization of Leishmania major phosphatidylethanolamine methyltransferases LmjPEM1 and LmjPEM2 and their inhibition by choline analogs. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 196: 90-9
Zufferey R, Bibis SS, Zhu T, et al. (2012) Characterization of a compensatory mutant of Leishmania major that lacks ether lipids but exhibits normal growth, and G418 and hygromycin resistance. Experimental Parasitology. 130: 200-4
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