Susan E. Dovhey, Ph.D.

2000 University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, United States 
Immunology, Oncology, Molecular Biology
"Susan Dovhey"


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Burt Anderson grad student 2000 University of South Florida
 (TAP1 and LMP2 gene expression in renal cell carcinoma: Mechanism of loss of interferon gamma induction.)
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Dovhey SE, Ghosh NS, Wright KL. (2000) Loss of interferon-gamma inducibility of TAP1 and LMP2 in a renal cell carcinoma cell line. Cancer Research. 60: 5789-96
Tan J, Crucian BE, Chang AE, et al. (1998) Interferon-gamma-inducing factor elicits antitumor immunity in association with interferon-gamma production. Journal of Immunotherapy (Hagerstown, Md. : 1997). 21: 48-55
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