Rebecca T. Emeny, Ph.D.

2002 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, United States 
Microbiology Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Oncology, Immunology
"Rebecca Emeny"


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Cosette M. Wheeler grad student 2002 Univ. of New Mexico
 (Host immunity in human papillomavirus infection and prophylactic vaccination.)
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Adcock R, Kang H, Castle PE, et al. (2024) Population-Based Incidence of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Across 14 Years of HPV Vaccination. Jama Oncology
Emeny RT, Wheeler CM, Jansen KU, et al. (2002) Priming of human papillomavirus type 11-specific humoral and cellular immune responses in college-aged women with a virus-like particle vaccine. Journal of Virology. 76: 7832-42
Emeny RT, Herron JR, Xi LF, et al. (1999) Comparison of variant-specific hybridization and single-strand conformational polymorphism methods for detection of mixed human papillomavirus type 16 variant infections. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 37: 3627-33
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