Abolghasem Shahbazi

Energy and Environmental Systems North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University 
Alternative Energy, Microbiology Biology, Energy
"Abolghasem Shahbazi"
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Adesina I, Bhowmik A, Sharma H, et al. (2020) A Review on the Current State of Knowledge of Growing Conditions, Agronomic Soil Health Practices and Utilities of Hemp in the United States Agriculture. 10: 129
Zhang B, Joseph G, Wang L, et al. (2019) Thermophilic anaerobic digestion of cattail and hydrothermal carbonization of the digestate for co-production of biomethane and hydrochar. Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part a, Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering. 1-9
Joseph G, Zhang B, Mahzabin Rahman Q, et al. (2019) Two-stage thermophilic anaerobic co-digestion of corn stover and cattle manure to enhance biomethane production. Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part a, Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering. 1-9
Rahman QM, Zhang B, Wang L, et al. (2019) A combined pretreatment, fermentation and ethanol-assisted liquefaction process for production of biofuel from Chlorella sp. Fuel. 257: 116026
Rahman QM, Zhang B, Wang L, et al. (2019) A combined fermentation and ethanol-assisted liquefaction process to produce biofuel from Nannochloropsis sp. Fuel. 238: 159-165
Chen J, Wang L, Zhang B, et al. (2018) Hydrothermal Liquefaction Enhanced by Various Chemicals as a Means of Sustainable Dairy Manure Treatment Sustainability. 10: 230
Ansah E, Wang L, Zhang B, et al. (2018) Catalytic pyrolysis of raw and hydrothermally carbonized Chlamydomonas debaryana microalgae for denitrogenation and production of aromatic hydrocarbons Fuel. 228: 234-242
Amini H, Wang L, Hashemisohi A, et al. (2018) An integrated growth kinetics and computational fluid dynamics model for the analysis of algal productivity in open raceway ponds Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 145: 363-372
Bekoe D, Wang L, Zhang B, et al. (2017) Aerobic treatment of swine manure to enhance anaerobic digestion and microalgal cultivation. Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part. B, Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. 1-7
Xiu S, Zhang B, Boakye-Boaten NA, et al. (2017) Green Biorefinery of Giant Miscanthus for Growing Microalgae and Biofuel Production Fermentation. 3: 66
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