Sander Govers

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Vlaanderen, Belgium 
"Sander Govers"
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Kaljević J, Saaki TNV, Govers SK, et al. (2021) Chromosome choreography during the non-binary cell cycle of a predatory bacterium. Current Biology : Cb
Xiang Y, Surovtsev IV, Chang Y, et al. (2021) Interconnecting solvent quality, transcription, and chromosome folding in Escherichia coli. Cell
Govers SK, Jacobs-Wagner C. (2020) Caulobacter crescentus: model system extraordinaire. Current Biology : Cb. 30: R1151-R1158
Jutras BL, Lochhead RB, Kloos ZA, et al. (2019) peptidoglycan is a persistent antigen in patients with Lyme arthritis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Gray WT, Govers SK, Xiang Y, et al. (2019) Nucleoid Size Scaling and Intracellular Organization of Translation across Bacteria. Cell. 177: 1632-1648.e20
Campos M, Govers SK, Irnov I, et al. (2018) Genomewide phenotypic analysis of growth, cell morphogenesis, and cell cycle events in . Molecular Systems Biology. 14: e7573
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