Bradley T. Hyman, MD PhD

Neurology Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University, Boston, MA, United States 
neuropathophysiologic and genetic factors that underlie dementia.
"Bradley T. Hyman"

Cross-listing: Neurotree - Alzheimer's Tree


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Arthur A. Spector grad student 1982 University of Iowa (Chemistry Tree)
 (Polyunsaturated fatty acid effects in neural tissue)
Antonio Damasio post-doc University of Iowa (Neurotree)
Gary Van Hoesen post-doc University of Iowa (Neurotree)


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Anita Khasnavis research assistant MGH (Neurotree)
Kathryn K. Bercury research assistant 2005-2007 Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University (Neurotree)
Molly J. Kirk research assistant 2013-2015 Harvard Medical School (Neurotree)
Simon Dujardin post-doc (Neurotree)
Tadafumi Hashimoto post-doc (Neurotree)
Derek H. Oakley post-doc (Neurotree)
Manuela Polydoro post-doc MGH-Harvard (Neurotree)
G. William Rebeck post-doc Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard University (Neurotree)
Hwan-Ching Bruce Tai post-doc MGH (Neurotree)
Hyejin Yoon post-doc Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital (Neurotree)
Vivek K. Unni post-doc 2007- Harvard (Neurotree)
Kelly A. Krogh post-doc 2015- Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University (Neurotree)
Prasenjit Mondal post-doc 2019- (Chemistry Tree)
Lindsay A. Welikovitch post-doc 2021- Harvard Medical School (Neurotree)
Tara L. Spires-Jones post-doc 2004-2006 MGH (Neurotree)
Nikolaus R. McFarland post-doc 2006-2010 Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School (Neurotree)
Pamela J. McLean post-doc 1997-2012 MGH (Neurotree)
Alberto Serrano-Pozo post-doc 2008-2013 Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital (Neurotree)
Susanne Wegmann post-doc 2012-2018 Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School (Neurotree)
Sarah Christine Hopp post-doc 2014-2018 (Neurotree)
Rachel E. Bennett post-doc 2014-2019 (Neurotree)
Shao-Qing Zhang post-doc 2020 Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School (Chemistry Tree)
Rosie J Jackson post-doc 2018-2024 (Neurotree)
Brian J. Bacskai research scientist MGH (Chemistry Tree)
BETA: Related publications


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Le Borgne J, Gomez L, Heikkinen S, et al. (2024) X-chromosome-wide association study for Alzheimer's disease. Molecular Psychiatry
Solano-Aguilar G, Matuszek G, Matthan NR, et al. (2024) Differential regulation of brain microvessel transcriptome and brain metabolome by western and heart-healthy dietary patterns in Ossabaw pigs. Scientific Reports. 14: 29621
Liu J, Stewart TC, Hyman BT, et al. (2024) Molecular Polymorphism of tau aggregates in Pick's disease. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Serrano-Pozo A, Li H, Li Z, et al. (2024) Astrocyte transcriptomic changes along the spatiotemporal progression of Alzheimer's disease. Nature Neuroscience
Kim J, Tadros B, Liang YH, et al. (2024) TYK2 regulates tau levels, phosphorylation and aggregation in a tauopathy mouse model. Nature Neuroscience
Welikovitch LA, Mate de Gerando A, Khasnavis A, et al. (2024) Tau, synapse loss and gliosis progress in an Alzheimer's mouse model after amyloid-β immunotherapy. Brain : a Journal of Neurology
Tyagi M, Chadha R, de Hoog E, et al. (2024) Arc mediates intercellular tau transmission via extracellular vesicles. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Tuddenham JF, Taga M, Haage V, et al. (2024) A cross-disease resource of living human microglia identifies disease-enriched subsets and tool compounds recapitulating microglial states. Nature Neuroscience
Mate de Gerando A, Khasnavis A, Welikovitch LA, et al. (2024) Aqueous extractable nonfibrillar and sarkosyl extractable fibrillar Alzheimer's disease tau seeds have distinct properties. Acta Neuropathologica Communications. 12: 145
Chung DC, Deng X, Yalamanchili HK, et al. (2024) The big tau splice isoform resists Alzheimer's-related pathological changes. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
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