Sharon A. McGuire, Ph.D.

2001 University of San Diego, San Diego, CA, United States 
"Sharon McGuire"


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Mary A. Hautman grad student 2001 University of San Diego
 (Crossing myriad borders: A dimensional analysis of the migration and health experiences of indigenous Oaxacan women.)
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McGuire S. (2014) Borders, centers, and margins: Critical landscapes for migrant health Advances in Nursing Science. 37: 197-212
McGuire S, Canales MK. (2010) Of migrants and metaphors: disrupting discourses to welcome the stranger. Ans. Advances in Nursing Science. 33: 126-42
McGuire S, Boyle J. (2008) The elephant in the room critical reflections on militarism, war, and their health contingencies Advances in Nursing Science. 31: 128-138
McGuire S, Martin K. (2007) Fractured migrant families: paradoxes of hope and devastation. Family & Community Health. 30: 178-88
Salyers V, Hunter A, McGuire S. (2006) Cross-cultural reliability of the Health Perception Index and the Health Control and Competence Index. Journal of Nursing Scholarship : An Official Publication of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing / Sigma Theta Tau. 38: 387-91
McGuire S, Georges J. (2003) Undocumentedness and liminality as health variables. Ans. Advances in Nursing Science. 26: 185-95
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