Sarah Iribarren, Ph.D.

2013 Nursing University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 
Nursing, Public Health
"Sarah Iribarren"
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Susan L. Beck grad student 2013 University of Utah
 (Evaluation of a text messaging intervention for patients with tuberculosis in Argentina.)
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Suyanto A, Iribarren S, Turner AM. (2024) Adapting a Patient-Centered Tuberculosis Digital Adherence Technology Intervention for New Patient Populations. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 316: 228-229
Iribarren S, Lentz C, Sheinfil AZ, et al. (2020) Using an HIV Self-test Kit to Test a Partner: Attitudes and Preferences Among High-Risk Populations. Aids and Behavior
Lentz C, Iribarren S, Giguere R, et al. (2020) Broaching the Topic of HIV Self-testing with Potential Sexual Partners Among Men and Transgender Women Who Have Sex with Men in New York and Puerto Rico. Aids and Behavior
Sheinfil AZ, Giguere R, Dolezal C, et al. (2020) Information and Motivation Predict HIV-Serostatus Among a Population of High-Risk Men and Transgender Women Who Have Sex with Men. Aids and Behavior
Rael CT, Giguere R, Lopez-Rios J, et al. (2020) Transgender Women's Experiences Using a Home HIV-Testing Kit for Partner-Testing. Aids and Behavior
Carballo-Diéguez A, Giguere R, Balán IC, et al. (2019) Use of Rapid HIV Self-Test to Screen Potential Sexual Partners: Results of the ISUM Study. Aids and Behavior
Schnall R, Liu J, Mohr DC, et al. (2019) Multi-Modal Methodology for Adapting Digital Health Tools to New Populations: Adaptation of the Video Information Provider (VIP) for Persons Living with HIV with HIV-Associated Non-AIDS (HANA) Conditions. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 264: 1347-1351
Iribarren S, Stonbraker S, Larsen B, et al. (2018) Clinical nursing and midwifery research in Latin American and Caribbean countries: A scoping review. International Journal of Nursing Practice
Iribarren S, Siegel K, Hirshfield S, et al. (2017) Self-Management Strategies for Coping with Adverse Symptoms in Persons Living with HIV with HIV Associated Non-AIDS Conditions. Aids and Behavior
Cho H, Iribarren S, Schnall R. (2017) Technology-Mediated Interventions and Quality of Life for Persons Living with HIV/AIDS. A Systematic Review. Applied Clinical Informatics. 8: 348-368
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