Anita J. Smith, Ph.D.

2003 University of San Diego, San Diego, CA, United States 
Nursing, Psychometrics Psychology
"Anita Smith"


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Mary A. Thurkettle grad student 2003 University of San Diego
 (The development and psychometric testing of an instrument measuring the use of intuition by nursing students.)
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Smith AJ, Wolf LA. (2018) "What are you Measuring?" Choosing an Appropriate Instrument to Measure Nursing Concepts. Journal of Emergency Nursing: Jen : Official Publication of the Emergency Department Nurses Association. 44: 97-98
Smith AJ. (2012) Assessing confidence in triage decision making: evaluation of an inventory in a sample of navy and civilian nurses. Journal For Nurses in Staff Development : Jnsd : Official Journal of the National Nursing Staff Development Organization. 28: 132-6
Smith A, Lollar J, Mendenhall J, et al. (2012) Use of multiple pedagogies to promote confidence in triage decision making: a pilot study. Journal of Emergency Nursing. 39: 660-6
Smith A. (2010) Learning styles of registered nurses enrolled in an online nursing program. Journal of Professional Nursing : Official Journal of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. 26: 49-53
Smith A, Cone KJ. (2010) Triage decision-making skills: a necessity for all nurses. Journal For Nurses in Staff Development : Jnsd : Official Journal of the National Nursing Staff Development Organization. 26: E14-9
Smith A. (2009) Exploring the legitimacy of intuition as a form of nursing knowledge. Nursing Standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987). 23: 35-40
Ross MC, Smith KK, Smith A, et al. (2008) Analysis of after-action reporting by deployed nurses. Military Medicine. 173: 210-6
Smith AJ. (2007) Embracing intuition in nursing practice. The Alabama Nurse. 34: 16-7
Smith A. (2007) Measuring the use of intuition by registered nurses in clinical practice. Nursing Standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987). 21: 35-41
Smith AJ. (2006) Continued psychometric evaluation of an intuition instrument for nursing students Journal of Holistic Nursing : Official Journal of the American Holistic Nurses' Association. 24: 82-89
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