Marie P. Edwards, Ph.D.

2004 University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
"Marie Edwards"


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Gail Donner grad student 2004 University of Toronto
 (Critical care nurses' efforts to pass along knowledge: A moral endeavour.)
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Woodgate RL, Gonzalez M, Ripat JD, et al. (2024) Exploring fathers' experiences of caring for a child with complex care needs through ethnography and arts-based methodologies. Bmc Pediatrics. 24: 93
Lucas A, Edwards M, Harder N, et al. (2020) Teaching Crisis Resource Management Skills to Nurses Using Simulation. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. 51: 257-266
Woodgate RL, Zurba M, Edwards M, et al. (2017) The embodied spaces of children with complex care needs: Effects on the social realities and power negotiations of families. Health & Place. 46: 6-12
Edwards M. (2016) Changing laws on medical assistance in dying: Implications for critical care nurses. The Canadian Journal of Critical Care Nursing. 27: 18-23
Woodgate RL, Edwards M, Ripat JD, et al. (2016) Siblings of children with complex care needs: their perspectives and experiences of participating in everyday life. Child: Care, Health and Development
McClement S, Edwards M, Peter E, et al. (2016) A10-B Navigating Conflicting Values in Palliative Home Care Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 52: e12
Woodgate RL, Edwards M, Ripat JD, et al. (2015) Intense parenting: a qualitative study detailing the experiences of parenting children with complex care needs. Bmc Pediatrics. 15: 197
Edwards MP, McMillan DE, Fallis WM. (2013) Napping during breaks on night shift: critical care nurse managers' perceptions. Dynamics (Pembroke, Ont.). 24: 30-5
Edwards MP, McClement SE, Read LR. (2013) Nurses' responses to initial moral distress in long-term care. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry. 10: 325-36
Edwards M, Throndson K, Girardin J. (2012) Survey of Canadian critical care nurses' experiences of conflict in intensive care units. Dynamics (Pembroke, Ont.). 23: 15-9
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