Linda B. Piacentine, Ph.D.

2010 Nursing Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, United States 
"Linda Piacentine"


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Richard Fehring grad student 2010 Marquette University
 (The association of spirituality, religiosity, depression, anxiety, and drug use among persons undergoing methadone maintenance therapy.)
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Tjoe JA, Piacentine LB, Papanek PE, et al. (2020) Team triathlon effects on physiological, psychological, and immunological measures in women breast cancer survivors. Supportive Care in Cancer : Official Journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer
Piacentine LB, Opielinski LE, Garnier-Villarreal M, et al. (2020) Exercise Effects On A Symptom Cluster In Breast Cancer Survivors: 2905 Board #366 May 29 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 52: 809-809
Tjoe JA, Piacentine LB, Yin J, et al. (2019) Physiological and psychosocial effects of a highly structured exercise program on breast cancer survivorship Journal of Clinical Oncology. 37: 11558-11558
Piacentine LB, Robinson KM, Waltke LJ, et al. (2018) Promoting Team-Based Exercise Among African American Breast Cancer Survivors. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 193945918795313
Piacentine LB, Tjoe JA, Waltke LJ, et al. (2018) Breast Cancer Survivors Maintain Exercise after Breast Cancer Survivors Maintain Exercise after Team Triathlon Training: 1103 Board #8 May 31 8 00 AM - 10 00 AM Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 50: 257
Flanagan AM, DePauw EM, Waltke LJ, et al. (2018) Cancer-Related Fatigue and Mitochondrial Function in Cancer Survivors: 861 Board #122 May 30 2 00 PM - 3 30 PM Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 50: 195
Banting KC, Piacentine LB, Flannagan A, et al. (2017) Exercise Effects on Symptom Cluster, Cortisol, Heart Rate Variability and QOL in Breast Cancer Survivors: 3177 Board #82 June 2 2 Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 49: 898-899
Piacentine LB, Tjoe JA, Waltke LJ, et al. (2017) Breast Cancer Survivors Speak about Triathlon and Dragon Boat Team Training: 3175 Board #80 June 2 2 Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 49: 897-898
Piacentine LB, Robinson KM, Ng AV, et al. (2016) Underserved community-based walking program for breast cancer survivors. Journal of Clinical Oncology : Official Journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. 34: e288
Piacentine LB, Miller JF, Haberlein S, et al. (2016) Perceived cognitive changes with chemotherapy for breast cancer: A pilot study. Applied Nursing Research : Anr. 29: 9-11
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