
Kathryn J. Niemeyer, Ph.D.

2013 Nursing University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 
Nursing, Alternative Medicine
"Kathryn Niemeyer"


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Mary Koithan grad student 2013 University of Arizona
 (Personalizing western herbal medicine: Weaving a tapestry of right relationships, a grounded theory study.)
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Niemeyer K, Bell IR, Koithan M. (2013) Traditional Knowledge of Western Herbal Medicine and Complex Systems Science. Journal of Herbal Medicine. 3: 112-119
Howerter A, Hollenstein T, Boon H, et al. (2012) State-space grid analysis: applications for clinical whole systems complementary and alternative medicine research. Forschende Komplementarmedizin (2006). 19: 30-5
Koithan M, Bell IR, Niemeyer K, et al. (2012) A complex systems science perspective for whole systems of complementary and alternative medicine research. Forschende KomplementäRmedizin (2006). 19: 7-14
Koithan M, Niemeyer K. (2010) Using Herbal Remedies to Maintain Optimal Weight. The Journal For Nurse Practitioners : Jnp. 6: 153-154
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