Jean-Pierre Bonin, Ph.D.

2002 Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada 
Nursing, Mental Health, Public Health
"Jean-Pierre Bonin"
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Louise Fournier grad student 2002 Université de Montréal
 (Utilisation des services par les personnes itinerantes atteintes de troubles mentaux.)
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Bonin J, Lavigne G, Gros C. (2017) Identifying Quality of Life Measures That Correlate With Quality of Family Relationships Measures in Homeless Persons With Mental Illness: Avenues for Exiting Homelessness? Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health. 36: 97-110
PELLETIER J, LESAGE A, BONIN J, et al. (2016) When Patients Train Doctors: Feasibility and Acceptability of Patient Partnership to Improve Primary Care Providers' Awareness of Communication Barriers in Family Medicine for Persons with Serious Mental Illness Mental Health in Family Medicine. 12
Contandriopoulos D, Duhoux A, Roy B, et al. (2015) Integrated Primary Care Teams (IPCT) pilot project in Quebec: a protocol paper. Bmj Open. 5: e010559
Pelletier JF, Lesage A, Boisvert C, et al. (2015) Feasibility and acceptability of patient partnership to improve access to primary care for the physical health of patients with severe mental illnesses: an interactive guide. International Journal For Equity in Health. 14: 78
Bonin JP, Chicoine G, Fradet H, et al. (2014) [The role of families in the Quebec mental health system]. Santé Mentale Au QuéBec. 39: 159-73
Bonin J, Chicoine G, Fradet H, et al. (2014) Le rôle des familles au sein du système de santé mentale au Québec Santé Mentale Au QuéBec. 39: 159-173
Bonin JP, Lacasse-Bédard J, Latimer E, et al. (2013) [Role of families of homeless persons with mental disorders : retrospective and prospective view of relationships]. Santé Mentale Au QuéBec. 38: 143-63
Larue C, Dumais A, Boyer R, et al. (2013) The experience of seclusion and restraint in psychiatric settings: perspectives of patients. Issues in Mental Health Nursing. 34: 317-24
Lavoie-Tremblay M, Bonin JP, Bonneville-Roussy A, et al. (2012) Families' and decision makers' experiences with mental health care reform: the challenge of collaboration. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. 26: e41-50
Girard V, Sarradon-Eck A, Payan N, et al. (2012) [The analysis of a mobile mental health outreach team activity: from psychiatric emergencies on the street to practice of hospitalization at home for homeless people]. Presse MéDicale (Paris, France : 1983). 41: e226-37
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