Bryanne L. Cordeiro, Ph.D.

2006 Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States 
Industrial Psychology, Management Business Administration, Individual and Family Studies
"Bryanne Cordeiro"


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Alicia A. Grandey grad student 2006 Penn State
 (Employee perceptions of leader -member exchange and usage of family -leave policies.)
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Grandey AA, Cordeiro BL, Michael JH. (2007) Work-family supportiveness organizational perceptions: Important for the well-being of male blue-collar hourly workers? Journal of Vocational Behavior. 71: 460-478
Grandey A, Cordeiro B, Crouter A. (2005) A longitudinal and multi-source test of the work-family conflict and job satisfaction relationship Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 78: 305-323
Wayne JH, Cordeiro BL. (2003) Who Is a Good Organizational Citizen? Social Perception of Male and Female Employees Who Use Family Leave Sex Roles. 49: 233-246
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