Peter L Croot, PhD

Earth and Ocean Sciences University of Galway 
Marine Biogeochemistry, Chemical Oceanography, Marine Chemistry, Marine Bio-Optics
"Peter Croot"
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Hanna GS, Choo YM, Harbit R, et al. (2021) Contemporary Approaches to the Discovery and Development of Broad-Spectrum Natural Product Prototypes for the Control of Coronaviruses. Journal of Natural Products
Duerschlag J, Mohr W, Ferdelman TG, et al. (2021) Niche partitioning by photosynthetic plankton as a driver of CO-fixation across the oligotrophic South Pacific Subtropical Ocean. The Isme Journal
Baker AR, Kanakidou M, Nenes A, et al. (2021) Changing atmospheric acidity as a modulator of nutrient deposition and ocean biogeochemistry. Science Advances. 7
Xu H, Croot P, Zhang C. (2021) Discovering hidden spatial patterns and their associations with controlling factors for potentially toxic elements in topsoil using hot spot analysis and K-means clustering analysis. Environment International. 151: 106456
Ramon D, Morick D, Croot P, et al. (2021) A survey of arsenic, mercury, cadmium, and lead residues in seafood (fish, crustaceans, and cephalopods) from the south-eastern Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Food Science
Zaiko A, Wood S, Pochon X, et al. (2020) Elucidating biodiversity shifts in ballast water tanks during a cross-latitudinal transfer: complementary insights from molecular analyses. Environmental Science & Technology
O'Driscoll C, McGillicuddy E, Croot P, et al. (2020) Tracing sources of natural organic matter, trihalomethanes and metals in groundwater from a karst region. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International
Chance RJ, Tinel L, Sherwen T, et al. (2019) Global sea-surface iodide observations, 1967-2018. Scientific Data. 6: 286
Wieczorek AM, Croot PL, Lombard F, et al. (2019) Microplastic Ingestion by Gelatinous Zooplankton May Lower Efficiency of the Biological Pump. Environmental Science & Technology
Schlosser C, Streu P, Frank M, et al. (2018) HS events in the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone facilitate enhanced dissolved Fe concentrations. Scientific Reports. 8: 12642
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