J. Kevin Barge, Ph.D.

Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, United States 
leadership, social construction, collaboration, organizational change, dialogue
"J. Barge"


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Cal Downs grad student 1985 University of Kansas
 (Conversational Leadership, Organizational Identification, and Social Motivation: A Field Descriptive Study in Two Organizations)
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Barbour JB, Gill R, Barge JK. (2018) Organizational Communication Design Logics: A Theory of Communicative Intervention and Collective Communication Design Communication Theory. 28: 332-353
Hedman-Phillips E, Barge JK. (2017) Facilitating Team Reflexivity About Communication Small Group Research. 48: 255-287
Barbour JB, Ballard DI, Barge JK, et al. (2017) Making time/making temporality for engaged scholarship Journal of Applied Communication Research. 45: 365-380
Barge JK. (2014) Pivotal leadership and the art of conversation Leadership. 10: 56-78
Bisel RS, Barge JK, Dougherty DS, et al. (2014) A Round-Table Discussion of “Big” Data in Qualitative Organizational Communication Research Management Communication Quarterly. 28: 625-649
Bisel RS, Barge JK. (2011) Discursive positioning and planned change in organizations Human Relations. 64: 257-283
Paek HJ, Hilyard K, Freimuth V, et al. (2010) Theory-based approaches to understanding public emergency preparedness: implications for effective health and risk communication. Journal of Health Communication. 15: 428-44
Freimuth VS, Hilyard KM, Barge JK, et al. (2008) Action, not talk: a simulation of risk communication during the first hours of a pandemic. Health Promotion Practice. 9: 35S-44S
Barge JK, Fairhurst GT. (2008) Living leadership: A systemic constructionist approach Leadership. 4: 227-251
Barge JK, Little M. (2008) A discursive approach to skillful activity Communication Theory. 18: 505-534
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