Dawna Ballard, Ph.D.

University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. 
"Dawna Ballard"


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David R. Seibold grad student 2002 UC Santa Barbara
 (The communicative construction of time: Explication and partial test of a meso-organizational model.)


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Luis Felipe Gomez grad student 2007 UT Austin
Matthew G. Isbell grad student 2009 UT Austin
Sunshine P. Webster grad student 2009 UT Austin
Jaehee Cho grad student 2011 UT Austin
Dina Inman Ramgolam grad student 2012 UT Austin
BETA: Related publications


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Gómez LF, Ballard DI. (2013) Communication for the Long Term: Information Allocation and Collective Reflexivity as Dynamic Capabilities Journal of Business Communication. 50: 208-220
Chun H, Ballard DH, Cho J, et al. (2011) Identification of association between disease and multiple markers via sparse partial least-squares regression. Genetic Epidemiology. 35: 479-86
Aakhus M, Ballard D, Flanagin AJ, et al. (2011) Communication and materiality: A conversation from the CM Café Communication Monographs. 78: 557-568
Ballard D, Abraham C, Cho J, et al. (2010) Pathway analysis comparison using Crohn's disease genome wide association studies. Bmc Medical Genomics. 3: 25
Ballard DH, Cho J, Zhao H. (2010) Comparisons of multi-marker association methods to detect association between a candidate region and disease. Genetic Epidemiology. 34: 201-12
Ballard DI, Webster SP. (2009) Time and time again: The search for meaning/fulness through popular discourse on the time and timing of work Kronoscope. 8: 131-145
Ballard DI, Tschan F, Waller MJ. (2008) All in the timing: Considering time at multiple stages of group research Small Group Research. 39: 328-351
Ballard DI, Seibold DR. (2004) Organizational Members' Communication and Temporal Experience: Scale Development and Validation Communication Research. 31: 135-172
Ballard DI, Seibold DR. (2004) Communication-related organizational structures and work group temporal experiences: The effects of coordination method, technology type, and feedback cycle on members' construals and enactments of time Communication Monographs. 71: 1-27
Ballard DI, Seibold DR. (2000) Time Orientation and Temporal Variation Across Work Groups: Implications for Group and Organizational Communication Western Journal of Communication. 64: 218-242
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