Sara R. Jordan, Ph.D.

2007 Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, United States 
Public Administration, General, Philosophy
"Sara Jordan"


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Cary Nederman grad student 2007 Texas A & M
 (The public interest in public administration: An investigation of the communicative foundations of the public interest standard.)
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Jordan S. (2019) Philosophy and Public Administration: An Introduction. Edoardo Ongaro. Edward Elgar, Northampton, England, 2017. 288 pp. $121.50 (cloth) Governance. 32: 200-202
Schuelke-Leech B, Jordan SR. (2018) Speaking Like Statesmen or Scientists: Differentiating Congressional and Administrative Views on Data Public Performance & Management Review. 41: 572-595
Jordan SR, Gray PW. (2018) American Bureaucracy in an Age of Oligarchy International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society. 32: 279-300
Jordan SR, Gray PW. (2017) Clarifying the concept "Social" in risk assessments for human subjects research. Accountability in Research
Jordan SR. (2014) Public service quality improvements: a case for exemption from IRB review of public administration research. Accountability in Research. 21: 85-108
Jordan SR, Gray PW. (2014) Reporting ethics committee approval in public administration research. Science and Engineering Ethics. 20: 77-97
Jordan SR. (2014) Beneficence and the Expert Bureaucracy: Ethics for the Future of Big Data Governance Public Integrity. 16: 375-394
Jordan SR. (2014) Beneficence in Public Administration Research, or Who Needs the NSF Anyway? Administration and Society. 46: 112-121
Jordan SR. (2014) The Innovation Imperative: An analysis of the ethics of the imperative to innovate in public sector service delivery Public Management Review. 16: 67-89
Jordan SR. (2014) Research integrity, image manipulation, and anonymizing photographs in visual social science research International Journal of Social Research Methodology. 17: 441-454
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